The Lily Pad, 07.11.22

Monday Motivation

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”


Now We’re Even Better at Making Health Possible

This week, you’ll see the marketing team begin to roll out a campaign about Hancock Health’s new membership in the Mayo Clinic Care Network. We’re excited about this clinical collaboration, which lets our own expert physicians consult with Mayo Clinic specialists—and enables Hancock County to benefit from the knowledge of the world leader in medicine. Look for messaging on social media, in the press, on billboards and over the airwaves. This is a great resource for both our patients and our associates, so let’s celebrate it by making a big splash!

Making Health Possible

Have you been keeping up with the latest content over at Health Possible? To save some time, check out a few recent stories below, and discover more useful reading at

Summer vacation with grandparents? Tips for traveling with seniors. 

Going through menopause? There’s hope. 

Traveling this summer? Find a pet sitter.

Finding Balance at Sue Ann Wortman Cancer Center

In late April, the team of oncologists and nurse practitioners at our Sue Ann Wortman Cancer Center earned a feature story in the Greenfield Daily Reporter. The story goes deep into what it’s like to work in oncology. Read the full story, and show your fellow associates some love with a share on social media. 

Hank’s Dad Joke of the Week

Q: Why do optometrists live longer?

A: Because they dilate.