FAQ: Visiting Hancock Regional Hospital
Q: I have a loved one in the hospital. Am I allowed to visit?
A: We’re allowing patients in our inpatient and surgery areas to each have one visitor per day. When you arrive, expect to answer a few screening questions and wear a mask.
Q: Can I schedule a virtual visit with my friend who’s in the hospital?
A: You can set up your own Zoom, Facetime, or other video call whenever it’s convenient for you and our patient. You can also schedule an E-Visit through us and then come to the hospital to use one of our tablets for the chat.
Q: What procedure should I follow if I have an appointment in the hospital?
A: You’ll coordinate with your doctor’s office and let their staff know when you arrive (by following instructions on our signage in the parking lot). Once inside, you’ll be asked to wear a mask and answer a few screening questions.
FAQ: Safety Procedures
Q: What are your procedures for COVID-19 patients?
A: COVID-19 patients are isolated from the rest of our patients and staff who aren’t treating them. We also wear protective equipment when we work with them and clean and sanitize regularly. And when those patients leave one of our rooms, it is closed until we’re sure it’s been thoroughly sanitized and ready to receive a new patient.
Q: What are the safety procedures for your staff?
A: Testing our associates for COVID-19, regularly taking their temperatures, and making sure they have masks and the appropriate protective equipment for each situation. And we all practice social distancing.
Q: How can I be sure I won’t get COVID-19 if I visit the hospital?
A: We have an excellent system in place that greatly reduces the risk. It includes increased cleaning and sanitizing, social distancing, mask wearing, and creating many opportunities for everyone who enters our facilities to wash and sanitize their hands. We are also asking everyone who arrives at any of our buildings a series of screening questions.
FAQ: Rapid Testing
Q: Where can I go get a test?
A: If you are symptomatic, you may go to your primary care physician, Hancock Immediate Care Greenfield or Gateway.
B: If you are just wanting testing, for miscellaneous reasons, refer to the state testing site.
Q: Do you have any rapid testing?
A: Yes, if you are experiencing symptoms. If you don’t have symptoms, please send out your PCR test results within 48-72 hours. Testing supplies may be limited but we are working with our suppliers to ensure we can get you tested, or have a place to send you for a test.
Q: Can I get a rapid test if I’m an HRH or HPN associate?
A: Please check with your leadership, but if you are symptomatic, Hancock Health will try and supply. and rapid test when available.
Q: If my colleague and I are both vaccinated, do I have to wear a mask?
A: Yes, unless you are social distancing (six feet apart) with a barrier. Please continue to use proper, and frequent, hand hygiene and wipe off commonly used surfaces. If you have any symptoms, you should always wear a mask and call into work to get tested.
Q: I am symptomatic but have not been exposed to anyone known to have COVID-19. What should I do?
A: Please self-isolate for 10 days, per the CDC guidelines. If possible, please get tested, but regardless of results, it is recommended to finish the quarantine period.
Q: I have been exposed to COVID-19 and am symptomatic. Where can I go to get a test?
A: If you are symptomatic, it is recommended you contact your primary care physician first and they can guide you to receiving a visit and test.
B: If you do not have a primary care physician, please go to Hancock Immediate Care Greenfield or Gateway.
C: If you do not wish to make an appointment, please schedule a test through the Indiana State testing site.
Q: I am fully vaccinated but have been exposed to COVID-19. What should I do?
A: Two weeks after your final dose of the vaccine, you may resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic. To reduce the risk of being infected with the Delta variant and spreading it to others, please wear a mask indoors, or if you are in an area with a risk of high transmission.
B: The CDC states that fully vaccinated people, with exposure and no symptoms, do not need to quarantine, but should get tested on day 3-5 after exposure and wear a mask indoors for 14 days following exposure or negative test.
Q: How long should I quarantine after exposure?
A: If you are symptomatic, please get tested. If you are positive, please quarantine for 10 days after the onset of symptoms.
B: If you are negative, please quarantine for 14 days after exposure.
C: If you are asymptomatic, please quarantine 14 days after exposure.
Q: How long should I quarantine after receiving a positive test?
A: If you are symptomatic, please quarantine for 10 days after onset of symptoms.
B: If you are asymptomatic, please quarantine 10 days after positive test.
Q: I am symptomatic after I’ve quarantined. What do I do?
A: Please get tested if symptoms develop while in quarantine. If your test is positive, remain quarantined for 10 days after symptom onset, and fever breaks without medication for 24 hours.
B: If your test is negative, please remain quarantined for 14 days after exposure.
Q: Do I need to retest after my quarantined period?
A: If symptoms have lessened, there is no need to retest unless required by your employer.
Q: Where should I go to get retested?
A: Please go to your primary care physician, the state testing site or immediate care in your area.
Q: How fast do I get my results from rapid testing?
A: Results are typically availably within 72 business hours; however, timing may vary depending on extenuating circumstances.
Q: I work closely with someone that tested positive for COVID-19, but am not symptomatic. Should I get tested?
A: It is not recommended that you be tested even with “close contact” of an individual. It is recommended to quarantine, monitor for symptoms and get tested if you become symptomatic.
B: If your employer is strongly recommending that you be tested, you may receive testing through the state testing site. You can schedule your own test by visiting this site.
Q: I have a scheduled surgery at another hospital, can I get by pre-surgery COVID-19 test done at Hancock Health?
A: If possible, it is encouraged that you utilize the facility in which you are having your surgery done. This will help with the continuity of care and expediting the process.
B: If you have the test at Hancock Health, we will need an order for the test to be scanned in, or emailed to our pre-op department.
C: The test will not be a rapid test and timelines of result cannot be guaranteed
Q: My child was sent home because of close contact with COVID-19 positive student, and they are now quarantined for 14 days. Should they be tested?
A: If it not recommended that your child be tested, even if they have been within “close contact” of another student. It is recommended that they quarantine for 14 days and monitor for any symptoms. Your child should be tested if they become symptomatic.
Q: My child was set home because they complained of allergies, stomach ache, headache or tiredness. Should I get them tested?
A: The CDC does not recommend that your child be tested if they are exhibiting only one symptom.
B: Please contact your child’s primary care physician to rule out COVID-19 and obtain necessary documentation so they can return to school. The child should return to school as long as they do not have any new or worsening symptoms.
Q: I received a call from another physician about a Monoclonal Antibody Infusion. What do I do?
A: Please get that physician’s direct number and email to send order.
B: Please email that physician the Monoclonal Antibody Protocol along with the providers fact sheet.
C: The physician will need to complete and fax the form to the number on the bottom right corner.
D: The clinic team will follow up with the physician and contact the patient to schedule.
E: Please document on the tracking tool in column labeled Antibody Infusion.
Q: Do Hancock Health associates have to quarantine after receiving their pre-op COVID-19 test from that date until their scheduled surgery?
A: Yes. The surgery center is recommending that patients isolate after their pre-op test, the same recommendation should carry over for our associates. Hancock Health does not have an internal policy that would alter this recommendation.
Q: I have had a secondary COVID-19 exposure. Can I still get my flu shot?
A: Yes, you can get a flu shot. However, it is recommended waiting the 14 days after your quarantine period is over, due to exposure.
FAQ: Reopening Indiana
Q: When will the state be fully open again?
A: Events are being scheduled again and businesses have reopened. However, there has been an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Indiana, and some restrictions have returned based on businesses and employers comfort level.
Q: What is Governor Holcomb’s Back On Track Indiana Plan?
A: It’s a data-driven plan that helps government officials make decisions on the state’s response to the novel coronavirus. Learn more.
FAQ: Caring for COVID-19
Q: What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms?
A: Go home, call our hotline at 317-325-COVD(2683), and schedule an appointment to get a test.
Q: What if I am diagnosed with COVID-19?
A: First don’t panic because 80 percent of the people who are diagnosed can recover at home. Then go into a “sick room” in your home, where you can be away from others as much as possible, and follow the directions of your healthcare provider and the CDC.
Q: When is it safe to be near others after recovering from COVID-19?
A: Follow the CDC’s guidelines.
Q: When should someone with COVID-19 go to the emergency room?
A: Emergency warning signs include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, and bluish lips or face.
Q: Can children get COVID-19?
A: Yes and, in most cases, their symptoms are mild. But health officials are studying a more serious condition—multisystem inflammatory syndrome—in children who have tested positive for the disease. So, if you think your child might have the coronavirus, contact your doctor.
FAQ: Easing Your Mind
Q: COVID-19 and all of its repercussions have negativity affected my mental health. What can I do about that?
A: First, know you are not alone—people all around the world have reported negative feelings, including depression and anxiety because of COVID-19. Next, use healthy coping mechanisms, including talking to others and meditation.
Q: Does Hancock Health have mental health professionals who can help me handle my feelings about COVID-19?
A: We do, and we can set up in-person or virtual appointments. Just give us a call at 317-468-6200.
FAQ: Getting non-COVID-19 Care
Q: A lot of resources have gone into controlling the spread of COVID-19. What about other healthcare issues, like preventative care or other illnesses? Do you have the capacity for those, too?
A: Yes, all of our doctors and departments are fully functional.
Q: Can I make a virtual appointment?
A: Each office has different policies, but we have increased our capacity for virtual appointments across the board.
FAQ: Pregnancy and Delivery in the COVID-19 Era
Q: My delivery date is coming up? Will I be able to have a support person in the delivery room with me?
A: Each mother may have one support person.
Q: What types of precautions can I expect during my office visits and delivery?
A: You’ll call us when you arrive so you can skip the waiting room. And everyone who enters any of our facilities is required to wear a mask and answer screening questions. You’ll also notice us cleaning and sanitizing everything in our facilities. If you want more details, check out this Q&A with Dr. Thomas Jones, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Hancock Health.
Q: When I’m in your facility, will I be near COVID-19 patients?
A: Those patients are in a separate area, away from the general patient population.
Q: What happens if I get COVID-19 while I’m pregnant?
A: We’ll stay in close contact with you, but the disease is treated much the same way in everyone, whether they’re pregnant or not. If you are COVID-19 positive during delivery, we will take extra precautions to make sure your baby doesn’t contract the disease.
Q: If I am diagnosed with COVID-19 while I am pregnant, does that mean my baby will get it?
A: The medical community doesn’t believe your baby is susceptible before he or she is born.
FAQ: Keeping Health and Safety in mind
Q: What are the most important things I can do to avoid getting COVID-19?
A: Wear a mask when you’re outside your home and near others, remember to stay six feet from others, and wash and sanitize your hands frequently. Another good rule of thumb is to avoid touching your face.
Q: Are people required to wear masks in Indiana?
A: While it isn’t a state requirement, it is recommended.
Q: How many people at a time can gather together?
A: The state’s Back On Track Indiana plan answers that question and others.
FAQ: Treatments
Q: Is Hancock Health treating patients with Bamlanivimab / the new monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid-19?
A: Hancock Health has received a limited supply of Bamlanivimab, IV infusions that can be ordered by your physician within the Hancock Physician Network.
Q: How much will they cost?
A: Under the patient vaccine benefit, Medicare patients will not be charged for either the cost of Bamlanivimab, or the infusion.
There is no charge for Bamlanivimab for those covered under private or employer-provided insurance; however, the cost and reimbursement of the infusion process varies by insurance carrier. Reference procedure code M0239 when calling your insurance provider for more information.
Q: When will Hancock Health receive more doses?
A: Hancock Health will receive a weekly allocation of Bamlanivimab through the Indiana Department of Health. The amount will vary based on demand.
Q: How do you determine who is eligible to receive Bamlanivimab?
A: Hancock Health is following the guidance provided in the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Bamlanivimab.
Q: Why aren’t you using Bamlanivimab on patients who are already hospitalized?
A: Bamlanivimab is not authorized for patients who are hospitalized due to Covid-19. It has only been approved through a EUA to treat mild to moderate Covid-19 in patients meeting specific criteria. Studies did not show any benefit for patients already sick enough to be hospitalized.
Q: When will Bamlanivimab be approved for more patients?
A: Read more on when Bamlanivimab will be approved for more patients here.
Q: What are the side effects of Bamlanivimab?
A: Read more on the side effects here.
Q: Where should I go to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination?
A: Please click here to view your questions on the COVID-19 vaccination or read about fact vs. fiction, in regards to the vaccine, here.