Make an appointment.

To make an appointment with Hancock Health, find the number for any of our healthcare services in our phone directory. Phone numbers and directions to our locations are available here, or Find a Doctor using our online search tool. If you still have questions or need additional information, call our switchboard at (317) 462-5544.

If this is your first appointment, we suggest reviewing our appointment FAQs ahead of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

To help make sure you get started with the best course of treatment possible, we recommend you bring the following information and resources to your appointment:

  • Medical records and reports
  • List of current medications
  • Any previously ordered test results, as applicable
  • Pathology slides and reports, as applicable
  • Insurance ID cards
  • List of questions for your doctor

Yes—in fact, we encourage it. Bringing a family member or a friend along can help calm your nerves, and it can also be helpful to have someone available to take notes and ask questions.

Arriving at least 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment will ensure that you have time to sign in and provide any relevant information for our records.

You can view maps and directions here, which will help give you an idea of the layout of our facilities. Parking lots are well-labeled for patients and visitors alike, and assistance is available for patients in need of wheelchairs or other aid.

Generally, at least 24 hours’ notice is required for all cancellations, but please be sure to consult your physician for his or her office’s policy.