Find a local florist.

Would you like to surprise a love one with flowers during their hospital stay? It’s a simple gesture that can make a big difference. Below are a few of Greenfield, Indiana’s finest florists, all of whom deliver to Hancock Regional Hospital.

Business Locations

Andree’s Florist
101 E. Main St.
Greenfield, IN 46140
Phone: (317) 462-3506
Fax: (317) 462-1051

Beautiful Beginnings
925 W. Main St.
Greenfield, IN 46140
Phone: (317) 462-0277

Penny’s Florist Shop
1131 W. Main St.
Greenfield, IN 46140
Phone: (317) 462-5863
Fax: (317) 462-1094

Timeless Treasures
19 W. North St.
Greenfield, IN 46140
Phone: (317) 477-1476

These merchants are registered with the Greater Greenfield Chamber of Commerce. By listing them here, Hancock Health is in no way making an admission of quality. If you have questions regarding their products or services, please contact the merchant directly.